The architecture and morphology of the territory welcome visitors into a complex that serves as a refuge from the harshness of the desert, without negating its contemplative essence. The program outlines the subdivision of the complex into three main areas: a men’s area, a women’s area, and a common space, with an additional section designated for service-related facilities. Privacy for these distinct spaces is ensured through the incorporation of gardens and covered areas. Simultaneously, these spaces are connected by a unifying element that runs perpendicular to the entire complex. Finally, at the innermost part of the lot, there is space allocated for two private suites. These are configured as two patio villas, with the patio as the heart of the house, situated around it are the main living spaces.
Status: Competition - FINALIST
Year: 2021
Location: Arabia Saudite, Emirates Arabe
Typology: Luxury Resort
Team: Carlo D’Alberti, Francesco Conti, Giorgio Glaviano


03. Lyon Beaux Arts Museum


05. Site Retreat